WBR Rescue Dogs are selected from dog teams at the local ski resorts. Members must test with their dogs every two years. This allows them to respond outside the ski area boundaries into the back country for their county sheriff’s office.

WBR dog teams are tested in obedience each season and a search test every other season. Dog teams are tested at a different Ski Resort from their own and evaluated by WBR evaluators, who grade the handler and dog on many different disciplines.

Levels of Validation

WBR selects puppies from litters born in January/February, and play/train them for their future work from puppyhood. By the end of their first full winter they are operational for the ski area. Dogs are natural searchers; with proper upbringing, training, and rewards they would rather find people under the snow than anything else. Our dogs generally give 10 years of active service.
Once we select the dog we start training it with basic commands and obedience training. At this time the new puppy is a Level “C” or Candidate Rescue Dog. At 12 months we have started to train the dog in searching for human victims in the snow and they do testing within there own resort. They are now eligible to search within there home ski resort and are considered a Level “B” Ski Area Operational Dog. Although they are well on there way in training they are still new to the game and this is serious training time.

The Rescue Dog is ready and eligible to test Level ”A” Avalanche Search and Rescue Dog at eighteen months of age. At this time the dog travels to another resort where it is tested with their handler by evaluators that set up and grade them as a  team. When a dog team tests to the Level “A” status they are now available to respond outside of the ski resort into the back country for the local sheriffs agency. This is a fully trained dog team and members responding as professionals for the Sheriff as the Wasatch Backcountry Rescue.

Powder Mountain - Ian Matteson



The “A” Level certification, or Advanced rescue, is the highest level certification offered by WBR. The Advanced Level rescue teams are authorized to respond to avalanche accidents throughout Utah.

Handlers are capable of being responsible for all aspects of an avalanche rescue including forecasting the safety of the rescue party, dog search strategies, and overall strategy as an accident site commander. “A” level handlers are full time avalanche professionals at WBR member ski areas and agencies. The prospective dog must be at least 18 months old to test for an “A” Level certification.

To certify at the Advanced Level, the prospective dog and handler must pass a simulated avalanche search at a site outside of the rescue team’s home ski area, usually at another ski area. The two WBR evaluators for the test cannot be from the same ski area as the rescue team being tested. The Advanced Level rescue team must also pass an obedience test to certify at this level.

The size of the simulated avalanche site is 1 hectare, an area approximately 100 yards by 100 yards. Test site size may be adjusted depending on snow conditions and at the discretion of the evaluators.

To pass the evaluation, the rescue dog team must perform several tasks. First, the handler must transport the dog to the site quickly and safely. The handler must then identify hazards and formulate a search plan. Finally, the rescue team must locate all of the 1-3  “victims” within 20 minutes from the time they arrived on scene. The rescue team must also work the entire 20 minute duration to demonstrate physical fitness and endurance. To maintain the Advanced Level certification, the rescue team must complete an “A” Level test every two years until the dog is ten years old and annually thereafter.


LEVEL B - (Ski Resort Dog)

The “B” Level certification is the second step on a WBR rescue team’s journey to Level “A” status. At the Resort Level certification, the rescue team is allowed to perform avalanche searches at the team’s area of operation.


A rescue dog team must perform a simulated avalanche search to certify at the “B” Level. The test site will be organized at the rescue team’s area of operation, and the simulated avalanche site will be 1 hectare, approximately 100 yards by 100 yards.


The rescue team will safely navigate to the avalanche site and locate two victims buried at a moderate depth (3 to 6 feet). The “victims” must be located in 20 minutes or less. The Resort Level rescue team must also complete an obedience test to certify at this level.


To maintain a Resort Level certification, the rescue team must perform a “B” Level search every two years. Typically a rescue team will attempt an “A” Level certification within a two years of completing the “B” certification.

Powder Mountain - Ian Matteson


LEVEL C - Progression from puppy to a fully certified Level “A”

The Candidate Level is the first step in the progression from puppy to a fully certified Level “A” WBR avalanche rescue team. Responsibility for determining Candidate Level status is given to each WBR member organization.

A Candidate Level dog should be able to consistently perform Phase I of a IV Phase progression. Phase I consists of:

The handler runs away to a shallow snow pit.
The handler gets the Candidate dog’s attention and ducks into the hole.
The Candidate dog is released.
The Candidate dog should dig and bark at the handler in the snow pit for a tug reward.
At this level, the dog must demonstrate the basic behaviors necessary for a successful avalanche rescue K-9. These behaviors include a strong desire to dig in snow, energetic response to a positive reward (i.e. tug), proper social skills, and basic obedience.


Learn more about different seminars offered and members training.

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